Hi there!

I am Anton, author of technical books about CAD and GIS, and Product Manager of local and global IP software at ARKANCE Netherlands.

My books

My books are related to CAD, GIS and programming, basically the same fields of work in which I am engaged.

Years ago, when I started to learn programming AutoCAD tools, there were no books about this particular subject. There were books about programming, and books about AutoCAD, but not combined. I found my way, and to help others to follow the same path, I wrote such a programming book myself.

As a Land Surveyor, I regularly had to deal with small GIS tasks. Books about GIS were focussing deeply on geo-data and information processing. There were no books about GIS with a focus on GIS for CAD users. So, another book from my hand to help others finding their way in the GIS world.

When Dynamo became available for Civil 3D, I found it both easy and complex to use it. Not only have I developed a Dynamo Node Collection, but also wrote a useful book.

My job

For ARKANCE, I collaborate closely with other teams within the organization, to ensure a cohesive and well-aligned IP product strategy. I create go-to-market plans and support Sales and Support teams in effectively promoting and selling the products InfraCAD and Drill Control. The actual development is done by a team of highly skilled programmers in Finland, with whom I discuss and work out the inventory on a weekly basis.

From our customers I gather feedback and insights, to drive product enhancements and improvements.

I maintain a good releationship with business partners, e.g. Topcon, Trimble, Deltares, and ensure that our software can communicate with their software solutions.

Manning our company booth at market-oriented trade shows is part of my job. It is a great way to meet new and existing customers.

My Blog

Like the topics of my books, I write blogs about programming, GIS and CAD.

Most blogs are written in Dutch, as that is my native language, and in support of the books I have written. However, my books are written in English, and since then I tend to communicate more and more in English. In the future I expect to write my blogs in English as well.